Psychological Life Coaching

Photo of Jackie coaching
Coaching is now recognised as one of the most effective personal and business development tools, because it is tailored to the needs of the individual.

Psychological life coaching

Jacqueline has a masters degree in psychological life coaching, is a third year student of transpersonal psychotherapy  and has sixteen years experience providing life and executive coaching.  Psychological life coaching is solution focussed and offers a deeper therapeutic way of working.  

Psychological coaching helps you ;

  • overcome anxiety and stress
  • increase happiness, resilience and well-being
  • build confidence and self esteem
  • understand imposter syndrome
  • recognise and overcome limiting and self destructive patterns of thinking and behaving 
  • attract desired change into your life
  • build confidence and self-esteem
  • develop interview techniques
  • support you through the first 90 days of a new job

Phone 02087408802 or email to arrange a free 30 minute consultation

My psychological coaching model?

A skilled and experienced life coach for when you want to move on in your life.

I use a solution focussed, integrative psychological model with therapeutic interventions to move you towards your life and professional goals.  My coaching model is grounded in Jungian psychology, Gestalt and existential phenomenological and psychodynamic theory and practice, NLP, somatic experiencing, systems thinking, mindfulness and neuroscience.  

I work somatically to invite and encourage coachees to increase awareness of the sensations, feelings and intelligence that is held within their body.  This leads to a recognition of what triggers automatic and unwanted responses.

I work systemically and support my clients to consider the larger forces at play in the environment, community and workplace.  My signature presence

Through daily meditation and mindfulnessI have developed a deep signature presence.  This provides psychological safety to hold my clients to make deep shifts.  The relationship between the coach and the coachee provides the container to support change.  

My clients are amazed at how quickly their lives start to change and how much more confident and happier they feel as they deal with issues that they may have avoided in the past.

My clients include GPs, psychotherapists, social workers, CEOs, senior managers and executives, TV producers and  business owners.  

What my clients say:

“Jackie was so intuitive. I was feeling stuck in my life and working with Jackie helped me identify what I wanted and gave me the confidence to go for it. I wish I’d invested in her coaching sooner. Would highly recommend her as a coach” Dr Dimple Devados (GP)

“In the 9 months that I have been coached by Jackie I have doubled my earnings, gained a contract to sing at the Covent Garden Opera House and moved into the house of my dreams.” Sharon Selman, Opera Singer and Owner of Unique Fairtrade.

Click here to learn more about psychological, systemic and somatic coaching.

Phone 02087408802 or email to arrange a free 30 minute consultation